Wednesday 11 May 2022

WEDNESDAY MORNING.. after night intent on..a few things to help sleep well etc

Had a few hours thinking after midnight. These have become precious times hanging out with creative love.

Up around surise. Time to pack tent before I catch attention of people who stop to ask "Should you really be camping just behind the trees, beside the road.

Took another hour or so, to get to Lalalty District Hall. I wondered if there was a toilet open to the public here, and parked my "luggage-vehicle" out the front, and walked around the building trying the doors. No luck. Had to get a good digging stick, and my toilet roll, and hide in a spot somewhat occluded by Peppercorn leaves and twigs. I realized as I squatted that a high viz shirt, while good for being seen in the road, was terrible for not being seen slightly covered  by a tree near a hall off the road. This was abound 8 am, and maybe it was a place parents brought their kids to catch a school bus. .. then I saw a road-works or council truck coming along the tarred road, slowing down for this intersection…it turned into this parking lot, pointing at me… I wondered if there'd been a complaint about someone casing the joint at the Lalalty District Hall.

(No pictures of this event!)

I was scrabbling to clean things up and pull up my pants, before any  workman came over and said "Hey, what are you doing, hidden away in here?"

So, I buried what needed to be buried, sanitized my hands, and walked out nonchalantly to my trolley, and walked off. No one followed. Maybe they were all just waiting for the bus? One passed me 10 min later, going back in that direction.

Then, talked for 20min with my lady on the phone, back in Orange, & after an hour or so, got to the old Lalalty School Road. Where was the school?

Tracey & Brian, live in what used to be the Lalalty Public School (see the top of the house-gable). Years ago his dad bought it and Brian set up a workshed beside it. His dad passed on, and Brian who had done his trade as a fitter & turner, now looks after the maintenence and redesign of farm equipment in the area, and along with Tracey is raising a family in the old School.


They invited me in for a cuppa, (& gave me two, along with chock-chip cookies) in the warm, and we talked about life and schooling, and books we were reading etc. Brian was a model for me, as I'm learning to do portraits with line. I managed to do a good likeness of a distant (unknown) relative.


Then, Tracey sent me off with a thermos-cup of hot water and some teabags to be able to have cuppas in between stops as I went… how thoughtful!

Might use it to have a cuppa break for lunch, at ~12:30pm.

.Yup, it happened.



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