Sunday 8 May 2022

parable - on seeing (and modelling)


I find I'm often saying "I don't know",

and sometimes feel some silliness in this,

then i remember, that that's not the go,

I can be asking for, receiving wiz-

dom (from the only wise Creative Love),

and that includes abilities to see

(that's firstly just to not be blind, or shove

what's seen into another categ'ry,

but also to let other options come

into my mind, to then take root & grow

so that creative options are then some-

how entering the world I get to know.

This parable below that happened here

in Strathy at the Highway toilet block,

is helping me recall, and then to steer

towards a way of being that might shock

some others, even me, a while ago,

and I am somewhat scared, I must admit,

of being quite addicted to this flow,

or way of handle-ing the stuff we hit.

I wonder if this freedom might be meant

for harnessing by disciplines that trace

along the lines that "Human"* truly went,

which starts with "my self" dying in this place.

But then Creative Love gives back new selves

to those who would still learn to trully be

continu'lly a-growing in true health

so that we'll grow like this great god, to be.

*  "Human", is possibly one way of seeing what Jesus was calling himself when he most often called himself Son of Man (according to 3 of the 4 First Century detailed accounts of his life and teaching). Some modern scholars translate it as "Son of Humanity", in Hebrew or Aramaic it was "Son of Adam", and in the writings regarding the Jewish  prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah it simply meant "a human being", though 2 Daniel passages pointedly speak of one who "looked like a son of Adam", meaning "looked like a human being", but this one was second only to "the ancient of days" (GOD). Like the first Adam, he had been given rulership of everything in the (heavens? &) Earth. But he was actually worthy of it, unlike the first Adam who gave it away, and it was corrupted. Jesus strangely doesn't claim this edge of things for himself, he infers it, and waits for it to be conferred on him.

This clues in with the records we have: "Then Jesus called the crowd and his disciples to him. “If anyone wants to come with me,” he told them, “he must forget self, carry his cross, and follow me." Mark 8:34

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