Thursday 12 May 2022

A hymn to lady Wisdom, and Creative Love..

So thank you for the Way that you display 

to me your presence & your help, the threads,

of ḥokhmah* wisdom, strains perceived today

that harmonize: ideas, folk, events,

that pop up in their places, and I he-

ar notes and textured music - you conduct?

Or maybe you allow it, "Let there be.."

Unless you keep on dreaming, we're all chucked

aside, no purpose, meaning, no good pride.

I'll rest on you and your own rest in me,

and too let your unrest in me abide.

And in the spirit of the way you be

I choose against that slumping - on my own;

to learn, to let creative love grow strong

in me, as though I'm in a fam'ly, known,

my contribution can add to this song!

I now recall two things: & here's the first,

I say it first, because it starts with me,

(& there I've shown my hand. It might be worst).

The best is yet to come. But first, I  see:

(1) I can't atone for failures of my own. 

(2)You're all I've got. Creative Love, yourself,

you're worth much more than all I've had or known -

though you send all your goods to us in stealth.

A third(3): The dread of anything can make 

a difference that is hard to quantify.

But I reckon that could be, what could break

the back, of any task, or make it fly.

The other side of that's: To really love

a thing that's lovely, worthy of respect,

can overcome a dread (more than a shove),

and raise the prize at finish you'll collect.

So thank you for your intricate design

that works, and puts the thread into the hole, 

and elegantly so, it seems to shine.

It's lovely to be held, and to behold!

*  The Hebrew feminine noun ḥokhmah (variation of ḥokhmot, Prv. 1:20, 9:1, 14:1) reflects a common Semitic root, attested in Akkadian, Ugaritic, Phoenician, Aramaic, and Arabic. Ḥokhmah is conventionally rendered as "wisdom," though biblical usage has a broader semantic range than the English term. [It could also mean skill, cunning, design, ingenuity, with style, pizzaz, flowing, etc]

(Ḥokhmah | › hokhmah; accessed 2022.05.12.@05:22) [square brackets above added by me to give examples]

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