Wednesday 25 May 2022

Wednesday 25 May 2022 am Temora & on..


Yesterday  I was talking on the phone to the Presbyterian Minister in Temora. A friend (who used to live in Temora) had asked me to say G'day to the Presbyterian fellow, if he was still there. He wasn't, must have moved on. But the new bloke suggested we get together for a coffee/ breakfast at the RoundAbout Bakery at 7am, to which I agreed.

So this morning, at 7:05, when he hadn't turned up, I thought "He's probably forgotten." (He sounded young, & seemed to have a family with more than one child). So i started my coffee and pie. After 7:15 he popped in, appologiing for his lateness, and asking for forgiveness.

This bloke seems sincere. Anyway we chat about what are the most important things to us, and he asks if i need anything? I respond: "To take my trolley 30km out, near the end of the day." Then realise that this isn't actually a need, it's a want. 

He responds that he probably can, today, 30km isn't much out here  but could I pray for him, and Temora, while I'm walking. I responded, "Yes.", but could he pray for me, in the same way, while he lived today. Derek agreed, and we put the trolley in the back of his (big) boot, and my little backpack in the front. He went to take the kids to school, and I walked off towards Bribbaree, via the Morangarell Road. 

After I crossed two streets I realized that most of my trail mix, and my toilet paper were in my back-pack. Yeek!

Creative-love would have to help me sort this out, if I really had an invitation from CreativeLove to come for a walk through this land of my birth.

A coffee shop showed up, & I bought a Bundaberg Ginger beer, and a big biscuit (that's some extra liquid, and something more to munch on). 

I kept on, and turned some corners, knocked on a few doors of the work places of people previously known to my friend who lived in Temora. No response. It's not yet 9am. Oh well, just in case they were in, so I could do what I could to connect, as I said I would try (I had rung and talked, or left messages a few days back, with no resonses).

Then before the hospital, on the way out of town, I found a tidy little park (


with a clean toilet facility  which I used for good measure, and took some sheets of loo paper to put in my pocket, just in case.

Provision really does come, on the journey!

Yee har!

And off up Loftus Street, turned into Milvale Road, 

to turn left onto Morangarell Road further up. About 10am:


As I'm walking, I'm looking both ways, Out -at the countryside & for cars and trucks;

.A panorama near the start of Morangerell Road.(


Through different country, a bit further on..( )


and In - to this story so far, and what I'm learning. 

Here's a part of my  response to this morning so far.

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