Friday 13 May 2022

More than ideal lists...


I think of you, through "watches of the night",

I'm happy to - to think of you's no blight.

I would pursue and understand you right,

to learn to do the good that humans might,

if they were who they'd like to be they'd fight

to think what's true, and lovely, pure and right,

the first step's to bring down to Earth, hold tight - 

then carry through with actions in the light.

So, I walk to go further than my sight.

I hope that you will walk with me, not bite.

And so far you respond to bring delight.

I honour who, sees all and doesn't skite.


(back to the front…)

And this way you, are starting to ignite

a fire white-blue, to burn away detrite-

us, from folk who would walk & live in light.

And so you woo us right into the night.

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