Thursday 30 June 2022

Friday 1July'22CE rest day with friends in Orange

 .. Dr.'s appointment, lunch with some friends at our place and joining with others online for a time of guided meditation, then a catch up with some old mates.

Thursday 30 June 2022CE

Well, we didn't get away till around 8am.  

Met a neighbour from over the road in Orange, travelling to work in  Cowra, who stopped the car in front of us, said G'day and drove on to work.

Still amazed by those fungi that pop through the edge of the bitumen roads, from Victoria to Orange.


Saw 2 dead foxes, a dead cat, 


dead echidna, dead rabbit, etc.

Through some roadworks, then had a couple of hours of solitude walking. Had a break at 11am, and 1pm and 4pm where I put my feet up and we had some trail mix etc. It hardly rained all day, thoufh cool and overcast, perfect day for walking the 26km we did, stopping at the Cargo Road winery from 4:30pm, for coffee, tea and a chese platter, (and a game of banana grams), where we met Dominique, 

Dominique confided that 30 yrs ago (I think) he had met two other (bush) walkers near his family home as he helped put a few thousand sheep accross the road. They waited patiently, and he found out that they were sponsored by the Australian Geographic. They were also walking to Cape York. Then years later, by chance, in Sydney he employed the son of one of them in his bakery. Freaky eh? Ask him about it! He took a pic of the three of us to put up on InstaGram.

This is where my wife found us at 4:50pm, &  helped us finish off the chese platter and the game of banagrams. I think we'll be back!

Wednesday 29June'22

Wow. Drove to Canowindra with my oldest daughter, leaving some gear at the Cargo Inn (where we were booked for the night), then parked our car in the yard of the friend who gave me a coffee a few weeks ago, and where I stopped my walk on that Wednesday. Then, we walked out of Canowindra, 

and got our hour of solitude by walking apart.



the 22km to the Cargo Inn 


where we had a drink and some Gosleme, and met old Denny who grew up around here and raised 9 kids with his wife who died a couple of years ago. Denny made a $50.00 donation to the MOVEmber walk from Melbourne to Mapoon (see QR code on top middle of blog page). Good on ya Denny.

Then, we headed off to settle into our modern room,  (this is the back of it, i was interested in the little wayer tanks at the back of each unit)


(right hand end room). I set up a sleeping bag on a camping mat for me, then, after showering we went back to the pub, the only place open in town for some delicious turkish bread, gormet pies, and some more drinks.

Had a go at drawing a customer from over the road. Thanks Ray. And 

Then an early night. I listened in our small room, to some of my daughter's going to bed playlist, and drifted off pretty quickly.

Plan to leave around 7 or 7:30 am and see how much it rains, on Thursday morning.

Tuesday 28 June 2022

Back into it!

Much unknown.

The plan is to start again from Canowindra this morning Wednesday 29June2022. 

A friend from Table Tennis was keen to join in today from Canowindra to Cargo.

But my oldest daughter has come to join in too. Normally I take anyone who wants to join in, if they are willing to walk with me, with my rationale (& my slightly maveric methods and approach), but on my daughter's request to have her father to herself, the friend I met at table tennis has stepped back, & will see if there is another opportunity another time.

What a very blessed man I am. Thanks to both friends and family for such amazing support.

Monday 27 June 2022

Dutchies.. ever met 'em?



Just found what someone wrote about Dutch people...some of this sound familiar to you?

To avoid angering a Dutch person:

Do no try to force your beliefs upon them.

Do not waste their time.

Do not try to make them feel guilty for someone else’s problem.

Do not try to limit their freedom of speech, no matter how much your feelings may be hurt.

Do not be loud outdoors late at night — windows are kept open, and we are trying to sleep.

Do not demand they give you things (respect, money, assistance…).

Do not refuse to speak up or do anything, then complain about the outcome.

Do not be late/ unreliable.

Do not expect them to inconvenience themselves for you.

Do not walk in the bike lanes.

Do not stand in the bike lanes.

Do not bike on the sidewalks.

Do not smoke pot while you walk around town.

Do not shove people in crowds/queues in order to get through.

Do not pee in the canals, in streets or on buildings. There are free outdoor urinals.

Response: Yup.  

This sounds familiar to me, & I think..

I think I've met me more than just a one. 

And there are good things there right on the brink..

that mean they often help to make what's fun…

different views are sent..

A mate of mine has had a stroke, or some 

such thing which left his two eyes seeing full,

but nerves to lift his lids, and then move one

are shot, so some things don't seem possible.

They can't be focussed on a point to let

a 3D image form within his head.

Some simple muscles won't move them, so yet

quite diff'rent images each sees. He said

he's lost his depth perception, which is crook;

so he, as golf-pro, finds it hard to hit

the ball straight on, no matter how he looks.

He's brave to soldier on, and not just sit.

The "tension" in his care for folk he trains,

and too for this game he was skilled to play,

is problematic, like it always rains,

well, ev'ry time it is a golfing day.

This brought to my attention that our eyes

are seeing diff'rent views, for ev'ry one.

Unless the views of both are just of skies,

the diff'rent views aren't problems, they are fun!

Whenever they can point, from diff'rent spots,

at something to consider, that's a gift

that richens your appreciation lots,

and with some tasks will really help you lift

your game, from just the diff'rent views that look,

then share, and take the diff'rences into

account. This benefits no single chook,

with eyes that can't be focussed on one view.

Prose to this point: The tension in love between the relationship and any task at hand can seem like interference or static when viewed in a 2D world, but in fact in us made to take this, and made for a 3D world, instead it can provide a further richer experience. As occurs for most humans with 2 eyes that can be made to focus on the same thing from different angles, giving 2 slightly different views which in hardware and software made to handle it, can (instead of just producing confusion and interference)  provide the experience of 3D vision, with some depth perception, simply from opening our eyes and looking, instead of having to get out a tape measure to judge all distances.

Sunday 26 June 2022

holds together *

When I was sleeping, somehow my own mind

made up a dream, a world around me which

provided "place" where dream-story could find

a substrate to occur on, as a pitch

& field, can host a heap of games right there.

And when I wake, imagination can 

do similarly, if I sit somewhere, 

and don't get too distracted. As a man

the worlds I make up, aren't consistent  quite 

as much as this ol' one, I've come back to.

The maker of my worlds is not so bright,

What wisdom makes this world? - gives me a clue:

I wonder if there's tension there for One -

Creative Love's own dreaming of our world,

as we would dream a night-time story, done

in some time as we sleep in our bed curled.


And as we bring into existence some

folk, and some situations and some place-

es to provide more options there for one

to live in, and add goodness or disgrace.

In some sense there we recapitulate

the dreaming of the GOD of gods in which

we're given chance to choose ancestral fate

and whether Love can be. What is my  pitch?

Will I define it clear away and call

myself the GOD of ev'ry thing there is,

thus shrink my life down to the dreams of Paul.

My God, please save me from my own nightmares!

* For in him all things were created … and in him everything holds together

Colossians 1:16‭-‬17 (Greek parsing)

Saturday 25 June 2022


While in the womb, I feel the outside world

somewhat impinging on my life within.

And movements, voices from outside when hurled

towards me, still can be sensed, but are dimmed.

It's cruisy, and it seems to be the whole,

for impetuses from inside seem strong-

ger than the outside world, so this small bowl/

enclosed dimensions "clearly won't be wrong"!

At least the thought that this might not be "all",

might even be constrained for baby gods

(quite immature, and undeveloped, small),

is filtered, and when time's up, there'll be lots

of things that start to change, discomfort comes,

and very disconcertingly, the pangs

of death-of-that-existence really numb,

and nothing hitherto is like the bangs

and wallops, forcings, and constraints that come.

Before that moment, easy kinds of growth 

may just appear to disappear, & some-

what difficult things, loss of comfort, both

appear to bring on death of all life's gains

(the loss of easy movement, to & fro;

a feeling of foreboding, growing pains,

a feeling of unrest with what we've "known",

& other dimly felt and heard things surge..

the world I've been within, behind a veil

that's growing ever thinner, seems to urge

that I must come before it). First thing, wail!

After quite a lot of talks and conversations with artists who are co-conduiters, co-maintainers, and co-developers of human life, (not so much "pro-creators", more like) amateur creators: fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, and great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and having been a dad to 6 live-born children, and one still-born daughter, life-partnered to a woman who shared their parentage with me, I've got to thinking more about the meaning of life in this world, and having spent time learning from the writings of those I consider to have insight into another dimension (poetic, prophetic if you like, like Eric Bogle, Dorothy Sayers, 

Isaiah, Hosea, Jeremiah, …)  now I see this world as a womb somehow within the "Dreaming" of the God, who is at once a loving, provoking, disciplining, providing, protecting father-figure, and a nurturing, accepting, forming, covering, nesting, providing, protecting mother-figure.

Friday 24 June 2022

eDen eVen


(audio version)

Well, done it yet again! We shared a meal

with friends and people she met where she works.

That we could team up, what a lovely feel

to share life with this woman. It's berserk!

Sometimes it feels "so good it can't be true" -

as it is said that some ol' saying goes.

Yet in reality, for me (& you?)

I've had so much good poured on me, it flows

and dumps on me in wollups, wads and smile-

ing mounds so big, I must grow strong to bear

it, maybe that's why I must grow up while

I'm here, to handle mountains more. "Beware!

- the logic fallacy when speaking of

the actions, outcomes, nature (even the

existence) of a wild thing, like King Love,

to think that you have "got it" - "There it be!"

When you speak of, or draw, a 3D thing,

in 2D words, or else on table top,

it is a hint or indication-ing

of something richer, that might never stop… .

And if one who'd receive it doesn't care

to bring their knowledge from a lived out life

and "play the game" of bringing that to bear,

imagining there's more dimensions rife,

the language, words or picture, sign or sound

won't ever do the trick - communicate,

the motives, stuff behind events gone down.

So get creative! Paul, before too late.

eDen eVen (audio version)

Thursday 23 June 2022

a meal in such a way

 (we took turns doing lines of this poemish thingo, below)

Well, Chris sits there and smiles a cheesy grin,

and wonders if this life is but a whim,

though he won't write no poetry or sing…

he'd rather have a pie with cinnamon.

And Paul is "pushy" as he often is,

it's hard to grapple with a constant fizz

of fi-re-works exploding near your self,

he seems to be a life of constant health.

There's things that both of us have gotta do,

and that is prob'ly just the same for you,

but sometimes just the chance to share the view

in ways that spend the time with thoughts more true,

brings courage and clear thinking to the heart.

I've found it helps to look back to the start,

then check to see you're looking at your part.

And move on, with or without map and chart.

Paul Walker & Christian Uys,  Mon 13 June 2022CE, pm.

Wednesday 22 June 2022

creative love's world got womb f'us?

Well, since I am still growing up, immense-

ly, in this stage where that's the biggest thing,

then is it quite surprising if intense

things, needing perseverance, come to bring 

me increased opportunities for growth,

development, to aid maturity;

as well to test allegiance and my tröth,

the exercise, or discipline of me?

It is my actions, not a thought or wish,

which do the trick of programming this  life.

A thought or wish will only "cook a dish"

that's useful, when food's eaten, not just knifed,

or heated, served up, or put up for sale;

and even then, it must help life abide,

or stay around, and not make one to ail.*

One's actions' outcomes cannot always hide!°

Yet thoughts or wishes can be like a seed, 

if given time and air in secret mind,

with planning, dreaming, "recipes" can breed

a greater chance for acting what I bind

to this ol' body/ soul, in choices made

by thinking, and imagining before,

so when an opportunity is laid,

the chance I'll take it up, appears much more.

Amazing that these ways to act still come,

and give a chance to grow good habits in

an untrained person, sandboxing for some

more poignant acts that help us lose - or win.

* Else we get the situation where, we can claim, in words I first heard from Philip Lindenbaur: "I taught my dog to whistle! -- It wasn't a very good learner"

Tuesday 21 June 2022

I daren't -if I ….!*

Creative love, when I've been cold, or wet,

or dry, or bold, or almost scared to death,

in all these things, I can share with you, bet

you feel them presently in me, a feath-

er, hair, or tooth, or nail in hand or foot,

cannot fall off, be driven into wood,

without you knowing, feeling, and it could 

be said that if a cup of water should

be given to "the least of these", it was

so given to yourself, or your anoint-

ed one, who was rejected too becoz,

you were yourself rejected, un-appoint-

ed, spearned by who you fed and watered, clothed,

& sheltered gave a space, & home within,

your place, where you would walk and talk. We loathed

to walk, we baulked, we felt embarrassed when

there came an opportunity to join

with you, in ways most intimately done,

to be, in fact, in ev'ry way, in loin,

in heart, in mind, in purpose, right at one

with you, in your embrace, and when you traced

the line of jaw or neck, enmeshed within 

your secret self shown to who lived and faced

their maker, lover. Oh my GOD, I sin,

unless response is Everything and All,

to love unbridled, unbounded, allowed

to author me (a god, but only small,

a baby, yet a fetus). Be hallowed!

..Be hallowed, by this one, here, now, at least

this starts the rest of this one life's response.

Is this quite fair? You give to me a feast,

and though I'm naked, blind, and poor at once,

you let me, as you did old Enoch then,

accept the offer of your company,

as you would walk through your world now, and when

you choose to do so. I would live to see

this world through your eyes, and you may take mine,

and look through them, as though they were your own,

these hands & feet, if yours may be divine,

but too, rejected, as has been your "throne".

* " ..stays in me, and I in them" (John 6:53-59)

"‘If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you for ever – the Spirit of truth. … you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realise that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.’ … ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. … That the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.

John 14:15‭-‬31)

"I in them, and thou in me" (John 17:20-26)

1 Sam 8:7; Jem 15:6; ; Luke 10:16