Thursday 9 June 2022

Walking through this land..

With walking through this land, I'm landed with

much more in terms of understanding of

the country, plants and animals, & weath-

er, and some people, and the things they love.

The culture and the ways and means that still

exist in places right throughout this space.

The generosity of those who will

just stop & have a chat, to try to trace..,

and some who'll even make a cup of tea,

and share some bickies, and their lives as well,

and then contribute, in what ways they see

might help to bring more heaven, & less hell.

And ways to speak of what's important here.

We Aussies have not often got much clue,

and yet we know things aren't as they appear,

much deeper insights come from what folk do.

And too there's "Why?" - we do the things we do?

Since motives can make diff'rent kinds of ends,

and diff'rent kinds of means we'll also choose.

Mean spirited folk don't make many friends.

I feel real lucky, just to be alive, 

with body that is able to make moves,

from one place to another, and to jive

or else to jostle to the sound of muse-

ic, and to march, or dance to diff'rent drum,

and with creative love at last to come

to place where I have also suffered some,

to let you build or grow in me joy's hum.

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