Thursday 30 June 2022

Thursday 30 June 2022CE

Well, we didn't get away till around 8am.  

Met a neighbour from over the road in Orange, travelling to work in  Cowra, who stopped the car in front of us, said G'day and drove on to work.

Still amazed by those fungi that pop through the edge of the bitumen roads, from Victoria to Orange.


Saw 2 dead foxes, a dead cat, 


dead echidna, dead rabbit, etc.

Through some roadworks, then had a couple of hours of solitude walking. Had a break at 11am, and 1pm and 4pm where I put my feet up and we had some trail mix etc. It hardly rained all day, thoufh cool and overcast, perfect day for walking the 26km we did, stopping at the Cargo Road winery from 4:30pm, for coffee, tea and a chese platter, (and a game of banana grams), where we met Dominique, 

Dominique confided that 30 yrs ago (I think) he had met two other (bush) walkers near his family home as he helped put a few thousand sheep accross the road. They waited patiently, and he found out that they were sponsored by the Australian Geographic. They were also walking to Cape York. Then years later, by chance, in Sydney he employed the son of one of them in his bakery. Freaky eh? Ask him about it! He took a pic of the three of us to put up on InstaGram.

This is where my wife found us at 4:50pm, &  helped us finish off the chese platter and the game of banagrams. I think we'll be back!

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