Sunday 26 June 2022


While in the womb, I feel the outside world

somewhat impinging on my life within.

And movements, voices from outside when hurled

towards me, still can be sensed, but are dimmed.

It's cruisy, and it seems to be the whole,

for impetuses from inside seem strong-

ger than the outside world, so this small bowl/

enclosed dimensions "clearly won't be wrong"!

At least the thought that this might not be "all",

might even be constrained for baby gods

(quite immature, and undeveloped, small),

is filtered, and when time's up, there'll be lots

of things that start to change, discomfort comes,

and very disconcertingly, the pangs

of death-of-that-existence really numb,

and nothing hitherto is like the bangs

and wallops, forcings, and constraints that come.

Before that moment, easy kinds of growth 

may just appear to disappear, & some-

what difficult things, loss of comfort, both

appear to bring on death of all life's gains

(the loss of easy movement, to & fro;

a feeling of foreboding, growing pains,

a feeling of unrest with what we've "known",

& other dimly felt and heard things surge..

the world I've been within, behind a veil

that's growing ever thinner, seems to urge

that I must come before it). First thing, wail!

After quite a lot of talks and conversations with artists who are co-conduiters, co-maintainers, and co-developers of human life, (not so much "pro-creators", more like) amateur creators: fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, and great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and having been a dad to 6 live-born children, and one still-born daughter, life-partnered to a woman who shared their parentage with me, I've got to thinking more about the meaning of life in this world, and having spent time learning from the writings of those I consider to have insight into another dimension (poetic, prophetic if you like, like Eric Bogle, Dorothy Sayers, 

Isaiah, Hosea, Jeremiah, …)  now I see this world as a womb somehow within the "Dreaming" of the God, who is at once a loving, provoking, disciplining, providing, protecting father-figure, and a nurturing, accepting, forming, covering, nesting, providing, protecting mother-figure.

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