Friday 10 June 2022

get known! full blown!


My God! If you're creative love, you care.

And more than that, you know me completely.

If ev'ry hair is counted. You're aware

of more than I am, even when of me.

Yet in that story of the wedding feast,

the king says to some people to "Depart!"

because he didn't know them, so at least

the question "Does he know me?" get's a start!

My primary need is sharing with such God,

my inside thoughts & feelings, as friends do,

but not as sycophant, to just name-drop,

or else to get more privilege from you,

& build my tiny kingdom in your realm,

on principles that I keep to myself.

You want no servants, just offspring at helm

of such an enterprise, for it's own health.

The disposition, mindset of your "house",

your way of doing things, from loyal-love,

your spirit, is what you'd truly espouse,

and gladly too, if folk invite, not shove.

And open up themselves in truth to you

since you made them, and want them to grow UP

to realize potential, not reduce

it, push it back, & keep under the thumb!

Amd since you made me first, if I'm astray,

the only one who could now recreate

me at my core of being, is you. Hey!

"Here are my thoughts, and feelings, loves, & hates!"

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