Thursday 30 June 2022

Wednesday 29June'22

Wow. Drove to Canowindra with my oldest daughter, leaving some gear at the Cargo Inn (where we were booked for the night), then parked our car in the yard of the friend who gave me a coffee a few weeks ago, and where I stopped my walk on that Wednesday. Then, we walked out of Canowindra, 

and got our hour of solitude by walking apart.



the 22km to the Cargo Inn 


where we had a drink and some Gosleme, and met old Denny who grew up around here and raised 9 kids with his wife who died a couple of years ago. Denny made a $50.00 donation to the MOVEmber walk from Melbourne to Mapoon (see QR code on top middle of blog page). Good on ya Denny.

Then, we headed off to settle into our modern room,  (this is the back of it, i was interested in the little wayer tanks at the back of each unit)


(right hand end room). I set up a sleeping bag on a camping mat for me, then, after showering we went back to the pub, the only place open in town for some delicious turkish bread, gormet pies, and some more drinks.

Had a go at drawing a customer from over the road. Thanks Ray. And 

Then an early night. I listened in our small room, to some of my daughter's going to bed playlist, and drifted off pretty quickly.

Plan to leave around 7 or 7:30 am and see how much it rains, on Thursday morning.

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