Sunday 12 June 2022

Ancient categories return..

The categ'ries of CLEAN & UNCLEAN were

within my lifetime, until recently,

in daily life applied mostly to sur-

fa-ces of what's most close to inner life;

like skin, or clothing, utensils, abodes!

And often we have made machines that will

enable us to not simply dispose

of unclean things, but make them clean again.

If not machines, then mechanisms which

if followed pretty carefully will mean

that life seems smoother, pleasanter..; the glitch

is who determines what it is to "seem.." 

..seem smother, pleasanter, appropriate,

or fit; the way that humans ought to be

above the animals, not over-rate-

ed, but a human culture which sets free.

Then COVID19 came along and we

became more in-ter-est-ed in what is

under the surface, what can not be seen,

and in this, now our culture's more like his,

who lived within the First Century when Rome

then ruled the world, & culture from the Greeks,

and Persians, still affected ev'ry home

which commerce had connected with affects.

And now the system of our statecraft and

our trade is bringing outcomes just the same

as ancient CLEAN & UNCLEAN understand-

ings, ancient categ'ries have come again.

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