Tuesday 28 June 2022

Dutchies.. ever met 'em?



Just found what someone wrote about Dutch people...some of this sound familiar to you?

To avoid angering a Dutch person:

Do no try to force your beliefs upon them.

Do not waste their time.

Do not try to make them feel guilty for someone else’s problem.

Do not try to limit their freedom of speech, no matter how much your feelings may be hurt.

Do not be loud outdoors late at night — windows are kept open, and we are trying to sleep.

Do not demand they give you things (respect, money, assistance…).

Do not refuse to speak up or do anything, then complain about the outcome.

Do not be late/ unreliable.

Do not expect them to inconvenience themselves for you.

Do not walk in the bike lanes.

Do not stand in the bike lanes.

Do not bike on the sidewalks.

Do not smoke pot while you walk around town.

Do not shove people in crowds/queues in order to get through.

Do not pee in the canals, in streets or on buildings. There are free outdoor urinals.

Response: Yup.  

This sounds familiar to me, & I think..

I think I've met me more than just a one. 

And there are good things there right on the brink..

that mean they often help to make what's fun…

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