Thursday, 16 June 2022

sentence? or sentience? or sent-ness?

ABC's news article the other day on sentient bot

Well, once or twice a lifetime there might come

a person or a situation where

a cov'nant - being called for, isn't dumb

and speaks itself into the very air

that is, when animated by a live

creative love: a spirit, wind, or breath;

and word can then be carried, as a hive

is carried on these, though in vacuum, death.

And meaning is assumed, by things that mean

(as categ'ry that's now available),

but couldn't be an option in the dream

had by a rock, or sand, or waterfall.

But animal, computer, A.I. things, -

in mimicing responses, who knows? -might?

- be able to advance, if duty brings

it's partner "loveliness" into the light.

For magic things can happen, in that place.

And walking, being, in the light of love

can manufacture gasses that retrace

and make an air more potent, from above

our heads in trees, or under feet in grass,

creative love has eco-sys-stem-ed such

that in a watered place, more life can pass

that way a metaphor can "meta" much.

But only to those open to me-aning

that's more than me, and my de-si-res too.

It has to grow to us, then in its we-aning,

dimensions open up, for me, - & you?

Could it be that culture is a pre-requisite mechanism of community, which may itself be be a pre-requisite mechanism of sentness, sentence, and sentience?

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