Tuesday 14 June 2022


Well now I start to see more, in the wake

of neighbour's words persuading of the need

to help convert more peiple, and to take

initiative to help them as a seed.

The seed bit, I think's true, & is the news

the God has picked a day to judge the world,

and chosen who will do this, to renew

so much as must be done, with flag unfurled!

But also his own children, are his seed 

embodied in his offspring, but in truth,

this seed bit ain't what is in need

of cataloguing, talking to, as youth.

My job, I think 's to be real thankful for;

appreciating good for what it's worth;

and praying silently for folk and more;

as prospector - look out for joy un- earthed.

No credit can be garnered as the source 

of some-one's life that's turned around, woke up!

The only action we can do is more

suspiciously like not getting involved,

Yeshua's model: "privately  secrete",

so no-one else but God & you can know

this thing (that's meant to be very discreet,

not talked about a lot, as one might "blow").

Hang out with God in private, and disclose

what love leads you to wish for folk around.

It could be while you sit in public clothes,

or stand with two feet firmly on the ground.

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