Wednesday 31 December 2014

Tuesday 30 December 2014

On The Way There

My daughter joined me on the trip to Tazzy. We used stops to read, (Like this article "The Hobbit and the Riddle of Christmas") to draw, …
to eat together, and slept as we could.
How good.

Begin again, where it was left off...

Well, I finished up last time at 2980 Lyell Highway, Rosegarland, Tasmania, Australia.
At the end of Walk 1: some panorama shots from South-SouthWest to North West:

Google Street view to North & North East of furthest point on road (roughly), that I got to.

The aim is to arrive here by lunch on Thursday 1 January 2015, and keep going... towards Devonport (or maybe North Point, Near Stanley).
Below is a map of the terrain.

Below is a map of the roads.

Roughly the route to Devonport that I'm proposing, though we might do some detours if accommodation or food & shelter comes in slightly different directions..

Monday 29 December 2014

Walking Together... in the light of (the 2015th*) Christmas

Walking in God's world as friends,
something too good to be priced,
learning from His means and ends,
that's Jesus (the bloody) Christ.

Folk learning from who's above,
come to earth in God’s good plan,
when acting out that great love,
reflect more the shining man.

This culture blames and curses
the one it do’n’t understand,
won’t submit, only versus,
his world-view, and what he planned.

The babe born (by many views)
absolutely innocent,
didn't catch the evening news
(except where 'is family went),

in a world made by God's word,
with hopeful glades where both trod;
that's the one who mostly heard,
then obeyed, and walked, with God;

we want to walk just like him:
make sure we talk from list'nin',
and not just baulk, then give in,
to the evil that is sin.

God we need your help just now;
within us, but outside too,
to never give-in or bow,
to what's cut itself from you.

Some two thousand Christmases
later, we are glad he came,
and I’m glad that some others
joined to celebrate, not blame!

(Heard that Dave O'Rozco &
Arno hope to join me on
pilgrimage through God's South Land;
God, we'll need your help and song!)

* If the first Xmas was at zero, then the 2015th would be in 2014CE. This is rough though because an error made in the original judgement means that Jesus was probably born within ten years of zero, possibly about 5 or 7BCE.

Trial audio

I'm hoping to record stories of people's encounters with another spiritual dimension, or God, or spirits, or epiphanies as we go. Here's a recent song-ish thingo...

If I can I'll add some pics too, as below...

Sunday 14 December 2014

Time to hit the road again!

Well it's been a year (and a bit). In that time i've moved house (with my lovely wife) to the middle of Orange NSW. But, in God's providence of time and health, I hope to take off again in Tazzy, where I left off last year, on 1 Jan 2015.  The tickets for this next stint in Tazzy are paid for. A mate or two are considering coming.

God who made this Universe
(with any parallel),
please do again, please rehearse
the job that you did well

your creative magic in 
all those who "walk the mile,
bear the load“ - of others' (sin?),
and carry all the while

their own pack upon their back.
Please, help us to grow like your
true Son, as his little bro
noted well before:
Quick to listen (and to first things first),
Slow to speak (to make life better - not worse), &
Slow to anger (though not never).

This is a testing ground, 
please do it in me, and
use me as a hose you carry round
to water soil and sand.
