Friday 3 June 2022

(End of this leg) Thursday 2nd June 2022CE from Canowindra?!

Plan is wake ~ 7am, go into town with Ros, ~8am, and walk towards Orange, hoping to make it to Cargo (about 31km again), where my wife hopes to be able to pick me up after work.

I set off from the Delice Coffee & Produce shop in Canowindra in town at 8:20am..

300m down the road, I succombed & bought a coffee, at the Trading Post, and remembered that an old mate (also a Dave) lived nearby. Rang, and Dave rang work (often Thursday/ Friday are a bit more flexy) and stayed home for a quick cuppa and catchup.


Decided, soon after sitting down again, and finding that Dave was now taking the day off work, to hang uo my walking shoes for a couple of weeks in this vacinity. I have Commitments starting tomorrow in Orange  and some things to do before them. I can't walk into Orange tonight, without feeling crippled for the weekend, so I'll need to be picked up from wherever I get to on the road (I was hoping to make it to Cargo), but a mate is coming to Canowindra this morning to pick up my trolley. I think I will get picked up from here too. 

So I'll have to start again from either, Dave's place, the Delice Cafe & Produce shop, Old Les & Dot's place, or the Trading Post, all in CANOWINDRA, NSW, just shy of Orange by 50 or 60 km.

Possibly start up, after a family get-together, on Wednesday 29June or Thursday 30th June 2022CE. (Yet to be confirmed with my covenanted partner (wife), and covenant community - the Cornerstone Community I am a part of in Orange).

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