Monday 27 June 2022

holds together *

When I was sleeping, somehow my own mind

made up a dream, a world around me which

provided "place" where dream-story could find

a substrate to occur on, as a pitch

& field, can host a heap of games right there.

And when I wake, imagination can 

do similarly, if I sit somewhere, 

and don't get too distracted. As a man

the worlds I make up, aren't consistent  quite 

as much as this ol' one, I've come back to.

The maker of my worlds is not so bright,

What wisdom makes this world? - gives me a clue:

I wonder if there's tension there for One -

Creative Love's own dreaming of our world,

as we would dream a night-time story, done

in some time as we sleep in our bed curled.


And as we bring into existence some

folk, and some situations and some place-

es to provide more options there for one

to live in, and add goodness or disgrace.

In some sense there we recapitulate

the dreaming of the GOD of gods in which

we're given chance to choose ancestral fate

and whether Love can be. What is my  pitch?

Will I define it clear away and call

myself the GOD of ev'ry thing there is,

thus shrink my life down to the dreams of Paul.

My God, please save me from my own nightmares!

* For in him all things were created … and in him everything holds together

Colossians 1:16‭-‬17 (Greek parsing)

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