Saturday 25 June 2022

eDen eVen


(audio version)

Well, done it yet again! We shared a meal

with friends and people she met where she works.

That we could team up, what a lovely feel

to share life with this woman. It's berserk!

Sometimes it feels "so good it can't be true" -

as it is said that some ol' saying goes.

Yet in reality, for me (& you?)

I've had so much good poured on me, it flows

and dumps on me in wollups, wads and smile-

ing mounds so big, I must grow strong to bear

it, maybe that's why I must grow up while

I'm here, to handle mountains more. "Beware!

- the logic fallacy when speaking of

the actions, outcomes, nature (even the

existence) of a wild thing, like King Love,

to think that you have "got it" - "There it be!"

When you speak of, or draw, a 3D thing,

in 2D words, or else on table top,

it is a hint or indication-ing

of something richer, that might never stop… .

And if one who'd receive it doesn't care

to bring their knowledge from a lived out life

and "play the game" of bringing that to bear,

imagining there's more dimensions rife,

the language, words or picture, sign or sound

won't ever do the trick - communicate,

the motives, stuff behind events gone down.

So get creative! Paul, before too late.

eDen eVen (audio version)

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