Tuesday 28 June 2022

different views are sent..

A mate of mine has had a stroke, or some 

such thing which left his two eyes seeing full,

but nerves to lift his lids, and then move one

are shot, so some things don't seem possible.

They can't be focussed on a point to let

a 3D image form within his head.

Some simple muscles won't move them, so yet

quite diff'rent images each sees. He said

he's lost his depth perception, which is crook;

so he, as golf-pro, finds it hard to hit

the ball straight on, no matter how he looks.

He's brave to soldier on, and not just sit.

The "tension" in his care for folk he trains,

and too for this game he was skilled to play,

is problematic, like it always rains,

well, ev'ry time it is a golfing day.

This brought to my attention that our eyes

are seeing diff'rent views, for ev'ry one.

Unless the views of both are just of skies,

the diff'rent views aren't problems, they are fun!

Whenever they can point, from diff'rent spots,

at something to consider, that's a gift

that richens your appreciation lots,

and with some tasks will really help you lift

your game, from just the diff'rent views that look,

then share, and take the diff'rences into

account. This benefits no single chook,

with eyes that can't be focussed on one view.

Prose to this point: The tension in love between the relationship and any task at hand can seem like interference or static when viewed in a 2D world, but in fact in us made to take this, and made for a 3D world, instead it can provide a further richer experience. As occurs for most humans with 2 eyes that can be made to focus on the same thing from different angles, giving 2 slightly different views which in hardware and software made to handle it, can (instead of just producing confusion and interference)  provide the experience of 3D vision, with some depth perception, simply from opening our eyes and looking, instead of having to get out a tape measure to judge all distances.

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