Friday 17 June 2022

senior walking partner

Creative Love, your plans aren't just comm-ands;

You want us to see things, the way you do.

We know that as you told "Sam", all your plans

are based on what you see from your own view.

It may be true, we have Anointed's mind.

And part of this great plan is that, when grown

in wisdom from above, this world would find

us truly this god's children, who are  known.

So please give: wisdom from above, your mind,

to these folk, so to see the things you see,

or feel a thread you've left for them behind,

where you have been before them - where they be.

For me, as well as them, I make request

that though I'll not be happy without won-

der; if all others balk at my behest

we must still seek for wisdom & to un-

der-stand, and not stand over others as

the rulers, judges of this world would do,

to keep control and be a god who has

abilities to not be grieved. Ah you,

Creative love, who's on about some art

forms that might feel to be a waste of time,

to those who do not know the whole, just part -

and cannot see that waste can be sublime,

and who knows grief, not least, but most of all,

and calls your comp'ny to be crossed with pain

upon their journey through this life, to fall

into the joy that can't be lost again.

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