Sunday 19 June 2022


Some of the most important things aren't seen

objectively, the same by all who look,

for what or who a person is or 's been,

affects what they perceive, and then what's hooked,

and taken off with them to other spots.

In short, each person is themselves a lense,

each group of persons magnifies a lot

(some way) together, more than one would sense.

You prob'ly know yourself that in one group,

a certain topic cannot even be

addressed, much less discussed, they wouldn't stoop

to well, consider what they couldn't see.

So in a sense the kind of kindness shown

to topics I don't feel so com-f'ta-ble

considering in groups, or on my own,

is critical to what's then possible

within the world that I'm creating by

each coice I make to entertain a thought

and too how faithful I will be to my

commitments, not just comforts - what is sought.

Not sought so much, by what we say we want,

but sought as seen in actions that we do.

And too, the folk we hang with, come & gone

to spread fidelity to what is true.

A marriage of both truth and kindness too,

that isn't just a "caving in" -  for now,

but thinking of the over-alls that do

the long term job, that work for good, somehow.

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