Thursday 23 June 2022

creative love's world got womb f'us?

Well, since I am still growing up, immense-

ly, in this stage where that's the biggest thing,

then is it quite surprising if intense

things, needing perseverance, come to bring 

me increased opportunities for growth,

development, to aid maturity;

as well to test allegiance and my tröth,

the exercise, or discipline of me?

It is my actions, not a thought or wish,

which do the trick of programming this  life.

A thought or wish will only "cook a dish"

that's useful, when food's eaten, not just knifed,

or heated, served up, or put up for sale;

and even then, it must help life abide,

or stay around, and not make one to ail.*

One's actions' outcomes cannot always hide!°

Yet thoughts or wishes can be like a seed, 

if given time and air in secret mind,

with planning, dreaming, "recipes" can breed

a greater chance for acting what I bind

to this ol' body/ soul, in choices made

by thinking, and imagining before,

so when an opportunity is laid,

the chance I'll take it up, appears much more.

Amazing that these ways to act still come,

and give a chance to grow good habits in

an untrained person, sandboxing for some

more poignant acts that help us lose - or win.

* Else we get the situation where, we can claim, in words I first heard from Philip Lindenbaur: "I taught my dog to whistle! -- It wasn't a very good learner"

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