Sunday 22 May 2022

Sunday 22May2022 - Rest Up

Light sleep at ~4:30am. Got to do some reflection on life the last few days. I think I was enabled to map the inside part of this journey somewhat. 

I've called that reflection animal man (not to be confused with AnimalMan from my children's family bed-time stories).

I would love to connect up with others who are attempting to seriously walk with Creative Love, and have found the life of Jesus to be a clear strong spring to water the garden-bed of their lives, a clear picture of creative love within humanity, (though he was rejected by religion).

Though I think the house of God is more likely this whole world, and even then it may be more of a cubby such a  God has built for us, & that God can handle us calling it "the house of God", because this is the place where we meet God, and like Jacob said: "I didn't know it, but God is in this place. I'll call it Bethel - the house of God." And this God puts up with our nick-names for God and this creation - if they are said in good faith  and if we are doing the best we can with what we've got.

I'm going to look today for those little get-together places around, and see if I can meet some humans in a "church". 

And maybe visit the Pak Gallery, have dinner at the Club (if nothing else turns up), and hit the sack early.

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