Monday 9 May 2022

Strathmerton to...? We'll see what we do! (before I leave bedroom)

Woke and snoozed till about 7am, then thought and wrote till close to 9am. 

Probably heading to Tocumwal, or Cobram, today. Depends a bit on what happens after I walk out the door. At Cobram I could prob'ly buy a trolley, put solid wheels on it and carry water, a tent and sleeping bag etc. But, is that the way I even want to go? Are there any "shoulds" out here? Well, that's what I'm sorting with my walking partner, who is actually the senior partner in this mission (creative love), but who very often seems to let me choose what to do, just stepping in to veto if it might not be as good with his bigger knowledge he has, with the bigger picture in mind. It's good both ways, if I can get over my idealism, or that small minded "That's not what I've seen before! Or "That's not what other people do!" I'm not planning to do any more of life in "unpartnership" with this partner!

So, what is core to what I'm doing? &

why do I do it? What do I intend?

I see I have to look, and think, and meet,

and listen to, spend time with some I greet.

So here I am, a learning to make mine

the purposes he's giving me in time

to start to understand and know their worth.

This seems a job, like Adam had on Earth.

I'm glad to have auspicious company.

I understand this ain't  about a "treat",

except the way I treat the folk I meet,

So now I quiet my heart, which is a-beat!..!..!..!

And let it rest again, where it's at home,

in place where it is loved, and need not roam,

I'm with Creative Love, so need not fear

nor quickly take the reigns, but I may cheer,

be part of team who is a cheery face,

or has a word against what does disgrace

this world that's made to be the kind of place

where children can grow up, and start to trace

the meaning and the purpose for a life

that's built on building up this world, these folk

around, that we bump into, in their strife,

and also when they're blessed, or when they woke.

That's "woke", but not just to a problem child,

but woke up to the meaning for their life,

to model what is truly free and wild,

to enter in, for then, they'll fight the strife!

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