Thursday 5 May 2022

on reflection.. (Thursday morning before leaving)

Well, "Thank you for the sleep I had just now, 

and thanks for food & drink that came last night, 

along with the warm bed, and also shower."

Creative love knows what I need, or might.

And since part of the way creative love

works, is to give more chances as I learn,

more choices, still curtailed from up above

by cultures which enable us to spearn,

or laugh, or know taboo, and speak or sing.

A human's hardly human without this,

the gift of culture isn't ev'rything

(or maybe, as I think of it, it is!).

A gift of spirit, that enables us

to grow up here, within our culture's care,

as guarj an angel, it has power to fuss,

humiliate and praise; but still beware,

we humans, to be children of the god,

creative love, which made this world, and all,

must learn the culture from above that's got

the spirit of the Way to grow up, small

we may be, tiny spark, yet known, and named.

I full attest by this creative love

I'm known, I'm loved, I'm learning to be framed

in all my thought, and actions, words, that cov-

er over still, my animal desires.

I'm joining in, myself, to make a god,

within this womb-world both lower and higher

s-sentiments and motive forces got ..

got from, or giving to, us each their gifts,

will grow, or else diminish, human kind

-ness, and the grace, and favour which en-lifts

and has capacity to heal the blind.

Well, as I start to see it clearer, more,

I'm fully learning so to live the dream

of those who want to wander as before

in garden under love's creative stream.

Live streaming from creative love, whose self

is tender and won't break a reed that's bruised,

but aches to rather heal it, make it well.

For ecosystems are what it has used.

Creative love would heal throughout the lot,

at ev'ry level, animals and plants,

bacteria and viruses have got

a place within the ecosystem, ants

and bees, and snakes and worms, you know as well.

I choose to be known, as I know my child,

or friend, who would share life, and secrets tell,

but then, to know as I am known. That's wild!

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