Friday 27 May 2022

Friday 27May2022CE am Bribaree to Bimbi


A couple of freight trains went by during the night (maybe the big silos in town are on the trainline). The plan was originally to wake @ 7 dress,  pack trolley and backpack, & give the trolley with the backpack in it to Dan at 8 at the front of the pub,  then walk or jog along my self.

But with this pilgrimage's walking companion, sometimes you get time to discuss and figure things out in the wee hours of the morning. It happened again like that for me, from 2-3:30am, I was thinking about what motivates me (& others too). So, though I had changed my alarm to earlier I changed it back to 7am.

"Lucky" I got up earlier. I needed the time. Still takes a while sorting the trolley each morning. Out the front at 8am we hoisted the trolley onto the back of an already full ute. Tied it down, and they drove off, & I walked behind them.

Down the road, I turn left to be taken back to Mary Gilmore Way, it says 45km to Grenfell. I should get about 23km today.


A sign on my right tells me I'm crossing  back into a previous shire.


What a lovely day to walk. Sun is bright  but a lot of clouds in the sky, the air feels about 14°C. No rain at least till 9am..

Walking along, thinking, reading, listening, singing along.

I come to a little township of Bimbi.

A sign on the way in and out of Bimbi says:


And the first plaque gave a smary of the town's history



With more detail provided at the old (no longer) PostOffice & General Store,



And around the war memorial:

I was reminded of all these people who gave to this area in the last hundred years, 



and before that. 



It got me thinking bigger.."What sort of contribution will be my legacy?"

The Memorial /Fire  Station had clean open loos (though no loo paper). I was about to fill my water bottle up at the wash basin, hoping it might be tank water.. but the brownish colour made me think it might be creek water used for hand washing. So I went to the house next door, with a lovely garden and DunRoamin on the gate, and a car in the car port,


thinking someone might be home here. Called out, & a lady's voice answered "Round the back."  I showed her my empty waterbottle and wondered if she'd have any drinking water spare, she said "Sure", took it filled it from the fridge, and said "That should dp the job." I told her where I was hoping to stay tonight, and said thanks again. 

I don't even know her name. 

But she said  "There's no shop in town now. I do all my shopping in Young, but it's getting hard will fuel prices going up so much." It makes you appreciate shop keepers, and what a service they can be to a community, eh?

Thank you old lady, who loves gardening.

Back on the road. Turn left, towards Grenfell. 


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