Tuesday 10 May 2022

Cobram and on…

I met Tracey and she asked about the walk. When she found that i was thinking of going through Berrigan, she said to say g'day to Alista in Berrigan (a Bowen Therapist) near the Post Office? (I can't quite recall, that could make it hard to meet up)..., who has been the only man in 19yrs who given any real relief of the chronic pain she's had for 19yrs. She said to say hello & connect with Alista. I practiced my drawing using Tracey as a model… a better drawing of her cousin, i think.

Before we had finished talking, just in time to let Tracey get to her dental appointment, a lady came up and asked me to join "them" for a cuppa..

They asked me in for a cuppa and to hear what I'm doing and why. How good is that?

A Cobram  group call's VAL's sewing group (Val started it 20 yrs ago; & she has the aqua jumper on in the photo; and Val stands for VERY ACTIVE LADIES)

Val said she'd come on the walk if I pulled her in my cart!


They do a bunch of sewing stuff together (like they are yarn bombing Barooga & Cobram for Christmas).

Helena with a cot quilt, & Sylvia with quilt centrepiece.


Walking over the river and into NSW, again, picking up a few more bits and pieces at a hardware store, crossed with reject shop, crossed with $2 shop. ( e.g. a plastic chain to lock the trolley up, and also, now to pull it by… then toilet stop in the botanical gardens, drink of water and off.

Amazing things, as this life brings about

these times where we can get to be quite frail

we don't feel strong or able, with some clout,

or that within ourselves, we could prevail.

Well, as i forward walked, i felt unsure

of many things, there's still some fear in me,

as though i'm on my own, and must endure,

but I have these ideas of what I'll be,

and what I will be able then to bear,

and fight against with realistic odds;

that's when I need to live like you are there,

or here, & I'm a little child of God's.

And join in with creation (with great love),

that seems to me to be your specialty,

the thing you like to help with, "from above".

Now I see that's the forward way for me.

Creation, not as mechanistic thing,

but as a verb, a doing word, you DO,

the action of creation is your "ring" -

your signet, since Creative Love is You.

So, just before I wrote this, I felt small,

and more squashed down, and grey, with ev'ry step,

I wondered if the embers there at all

could, by you now, be blown to flame and kept.

Then up I looked, into the West horizon,

and you reminded me of what you do.

Your specialty is growing from surprizin'

small things that are blwn and flamed by you!

First night of planned (at least semi-planned, or expected, by me)... somewhere here by the side of the road….

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