Sunday 22 May 2022

animal man

At times I find myself got caught up in -

in something that feels nat-u-ral at times,

that's nach'ral for an animal that's been

an animal, with no larger entwines.

The pull, of it's desires, balanced out,

becomes its main (& only?) motive force.

It might sometimes want quiet, or to shout,

but in my case I'm managing because

I see (somehow) that if I hold this "want",

& keep it back a bit (while others thrive)

it can be gratified - (I'm no savant).

Some tension from delay I have survived.

This is the way of animal-man me;

& natural enough. Though now I see,

most excellent, and focused in on he,

who did the will of "Goodness" - a way free!

Creative love itself this higher way,

is focused on a bigger goal than self.

"It works as one, together." I would say.

And worries not about its strength & health.

If I, who's im-mature (as I am)

get caught up mechanistic'ly in life,

and coming to my self, see this whole sham,

this backward step (I now see that it's rife);

I simply change the gear, and move along,

I cannot stay in first and get much speed.

And think not much "What ge-ar?" - sing a song,

enjoy this journey, with all that I need!

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