Sunday 15 May 2022

Saturday & Sunday nights' pilgrimage meditation:

God's speed (at times will seem so slow)

I need to clarify to know.

If it be true that God sent to this world

some human beings, to rule it for him

as agents to be his flags here unfurled,

to rule the way of excellence undimmed;

but we have chosen to learn from machines,

or animals (which we were meant to rule),

how to grow up, to know what this rule means.

And I've been one of these. I've been a fool!

If it be true that God seeing our plight,

sent to us humans tuned to give his word,

to pass on to us from him our "invite"

to join back with him. I'd think this absurd-

ly beautiful, and want it straightaway.

If Jesus was God's ultimate word then,

I reckon God is better than they say.

We are like chicks, he is the mother hen.

His leadership is what we need today!

If Prophets were the mouth-piece of the God,

then Jesus was the mouth with mind to say

God's message, 'coz God's love was what he'd got!

If Jesus is an icon for the God,

God might enjoy attention placed on him,

and treat those who do so, as though they've got

the whole of God within their grasp, a win-

ner with the God. This might explain a bit 

why God would have 4 Gospels (and the Acts)

about his life and words and deeds. A hit, 

by any standard, for the scriptures lack 

some other human figure with so much

attention placed upon their words and deeds,

and life, or motives, ignorances, touch.

If he's the Christ, God's leader, I will heed.

Most prophets might get one, or even two 

books all about their life and words, for us

to pour over, to be pleasing God who 

sent them. But here we've 4 brag books, with fuss.

I think i'll have to get to know at least 

one story book through,  from its start to end,

So clarifies my job, this walking feast

throughout this country, with who's my best friend.

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