Wednesday 11 May 2022

in tent - on "ground-of-being" stuff

Well 'ere I am, my first night in a tent,

intent (or else intending so to be)

on leaning forward in the way he went,

that carpenter named "Harrald" (well, to me).

I think I spelled 'is name wrong, there's an "e"

instead of "ar" - in the midst of it.

And 'e's the one who'd be there, as I see 

things, more 'n "a r", right there in the "shit" -

excuse the use of language not so prim,

but that's the point I want to take past here,

the "not so nice" things weren't upsetting him,

he jumpped right in to stuff (it makes me "tear"),

the stuff that 'appens in this "down-ta-earth", 

this "down-'ere" life, that's undesireable,

but still it 'appens, sometimes before birth,

and puts a fella back. It's 'ire-ibble!

What really truly seemed to "get 'is goat"

was people who used power just for them-

them-selves, or their own fam'ly, then they'd gloat

that others weren't as clean, or didn't hem

their clothing right, or have designer tags

that matched the fashion rules "for folk round here".

He stood round there, and cared for tykes, and hags,

he jumped right in to stuff (it makes me cheer!)

My start, to take to heart, is not "intent".

I think the place to start is where he went,

and what he did. He said we've all bin "sent"

to be a straight edge, in a world that's bent.

But that's the point for me - it's that "I'm not!"

I'm not that straight, and forward, or that bold,

I'm fearful, looking backward, & I've got

a thing against discomfort, heat, or cold!

And pleasure, well I like it quite a lot.

Good food, good wine, my good girl close around..

So you've just set the scene, I hear a shot

inside my head, my inside journey's sound:

"Be grateful for the good you have my lad",

And don't take it for granted, see it through.

And further still, "see through it - not to "bad",

but deeper good, it's metaphored to do.

And then, step into places that he'd go,

no exercise in pumping muscles up

to look the part, and so that they will know…

The exercise of drinking dry the cup,

and eating what's been set in front of me,

and trusting him to give the energy,

as he has done thus far, to let him be

my father, who'd raise kids creatively.

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