Wednesday 25 May 2022

A bit of a response to this morning so far..

So "Thank you"  to Creative Love that works

along with our small efforts to fill up

what's needed, we don't need the other perks, 

Creative Love just loves to fill the cup.

Creative Love might be a bar tender.

My cup is always overflowed a bit.

I'm glad to walk this road with who's a friend, 

a mentor too, and such a clever wit.

And for the way all difficult things are

worked over and made servants of the way,

espesh'ly when we can't see very far.

I've seen creative love fix things today.

This calls for some resilience and trust,

to not think that because I'm not in charge,

or can't see how this project won't go bust,

that I cannot endorse it, or just barge

in and take over, in the ways I've learned

to manage or manipulate outcomes.

I'm checking my allegiance, not to spearn

a simple trust in who has done their sums.

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