Thursday 12 May 2022

Thursday after noon.

I showered, snoozed briefly,  then walked to Dave and Muriel's place for a cuppa. Lovely time heard much of their story and a song or two from Dave's CD's (he has about 6) - got them onto my phone via usb. Very rich time. Thank you Dave & Muriel.

Forgot to take a photo… missed a photo of Dave altogether.

A phonecall with a mate, then… 

at 5pm sharp, Viv picked me up and showed me round their retirement village. Then we had a lovely meal of ssusages and mashed spud and vegies, which Marg had prepared. He  told me the story of a group in Berrigan, led by a businessman Bernard Curtain who with a commitee of determined locals brought a retirement village into being for aged people from this local area, that is quite distinctive.  26 houses (24 2-bedroom houses & 2 3-bedroom houses) tidy brick houses built by the community for the community. Costing $280,000(?) each with a further total of $40,000 payable at $4,000.00 yearly, over 10 yrs for rates and water and maintenance. Owned by a local Aged Care association, with matching funding from both State & Federal Governments. He & his wife Marg live in one of them, and only 3 remain vacant. Not built on the corporate money-making model, but on a model centered on  care for local aged who are seen as an integral part of the local community.

We talked about many things, including the corporate and franchise model infecting farming, food production, schooling, church (in the form of denominations). And many other things… also very rich time. Thanks, Viv and Marg.


We made plans for Viv to pick me up at 8am (with my trolley)  then to deposit me at the spot he picked me up from today. I packed and hit the sack.

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