Sunday 22 May 2022

Sunday 22May2022 - Rest of

Weird thing. I saw an anglican church building precinct yesterday with a clear unequivocal sign out the front saying: " … 10am every Sunday"

I noted the definiteness of "every Sunday", when many other places say "1st and 3rd Sundays of the month", or "confirm with Minister on this number.."

So I knew where I would go on Sunday and when. Anyway, I got home last night after dinner at the Tavern, and a strange thing happened, I had a definite unsureness about whether it was 9am or 10am. I didn't want to get dressed and go out in the cold to check, which I considered. I thought It will be on the net somewhere, else I could go early at 9, and either come back if it was 10, which I was almost certain it was. I looked at night, and again in the morning. No where could I find "service times" for the Anglicans in Coolamon (luckily). I rang the number Google gave me. No answer, so I left a message, asking did they meet at 9 or 10am.

Finally, there was nothing else for it, I needed to walk there and check. A friend rang & we talked on the phone as I was walking there & I arrived (while talking to him), and saw the sign clearly marked 10am (as I recalled it), and was about to turn around when I noticed the open front door, and heard singing/ music coming from inside (maybe some musicians were practicing early or they had Sunday school or a prayer time before their meeting?), then I noticed 5 or 6 cars where there were none yesterday. I excused myself from the call with the friend, and thought I'd poke my nose in and see. As if on cue  an old lady (Narelle Smith) was getting out of a car, negotiating both a walker, and a walking stick & being helped by her daughter (Joanne), and I helped her get inside. "Church" was indeed starting early today and the next 2 weeks. The sign was wrong.

Took some notes on my phone of some of what the man (who introduced himself later as) Scott said:

Jesus's gift.. Peace (not peace, as the world gives) that transcends human understanding.. only when we have caught a glimpse of the Lord God Almighty.

The church's job is to work with God's project to "Invite, nourish, sustain"

"an advocate will come.." 

The one who will help us to bring understanding and to do what Jesus said to do. (Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, … etc.) The Greek text of Jesus's last directive, does not say as is commonly supposed: "Go and make disciples of all nations …" but

"As you are going, make disciples of all nations…" , this changes the focus from an event in the future to what is happening now.

(Words above in italics added by me to explain what I think he meant)

Had an amazing time with those people, and was invited for a cuppa after, met them all

Met the ",Minister" (which means servant) Scott, & another lady [who had to go back home to see how her man was going (with a cough at home)], who had both left before this photo, and all these lovely folk, including: .., Narelle, .., Chris, ..,Loaine, .., .., Phil, & Heather.

They were keen to hear how things were going. I told them it was a bit of a pilgrimage, a bit like the Comino, and about 30 other reasons, including "Movember". I forgot to say also the "Bible Society" which have helped disseminate the good story that the good of Western Civilization has grown from, and that the rot of Western Civilization has rejected outright.

They let me tinckle on the piano (bandaids with 2 or three sore finger tips make it a little difficult), and gave me what was left over from morning tea for this arvo, or the walk tomorrow.

Out waiting with Narelle, for her daughter Joanne to pick her up, I met Grant  and then Jack, each in a gopher.

Narelle uses a combination of a walker and a cane, but might even consider a gopher now that her hip is playing up even more.

On the way back to the Motel, I remembered that the old Railway Station had caught my attention yesterday with tables and chairs set up on the platform. Last night, on the way back from dinner at the Royal Tavern, I had thought that I might try to get a coffee there on Sunday. So off I went.

Nice coffee. The ladies and girl at the table beside me were enjoying a morning tea or celebration. On my way out, the friend from the phone call this morning rang back, and as i walked and talked I noticed the car beside me going very slowly. They were trying to read the sign on my backpack, and were up for a bit of a chat. I said Goodbye to my mate again and the ladies asked away, got my blogsite address, and when it came time for a photo, the girl reappeared… Here they are, another set of curious, friendly people willing to stick their neck out and say "G'day".


How  good is that. They also suggested Facebook as a tool to help communicate what is happening with me. We saw each other again as I was walking into the motel.

Good time to catch up on the phone with that same mate who had been interrupted 2ce, talking about Cognitive Ease; then with my lady at home. 

Then writing (this), and zzz,...zzz,... snooze.

Some reflection time. 

If we start trying to define the creator of this universe into a semantic box of meaning that we have had pre-constructed for us by our culture, with the English word GOD, without holding it very gingerly, to allow the reality to start to define the symbol, we are idiots, that are trying to make the tail wag the dog. Especially once we realize that the self revelation of this force that is more a being than we are, indicates that " ways are higher than yours.." And our experience knows that to be true. Look at the ways we humans provide leadership in this world. WAYS HIGHER (eyes higher 55:8-9)

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