Saturday 28 May 2022

Saturday 28May2022CE am

Saturday 28May2022CE am

Playing around the recording of songs and the blog, and waiting for the rain to subside, meant i didn't get on the road till close to 9:30am.

Rang and talked to a few friends, about any of their friends still in Grenfell to say G'day to, especially since I've booked 2 nights at a Pub there. Left a voice message on a local's phone.

@11:40am a blue hatchback pulls up and asks if he could give me a lift? He says he knows what it's like to be walking, and that not everyone will offer a lift. I tell him  thanks, but it's a Walk to Cape York. I appreciate his friendliness  and generosity. Kyle  is his name. 


Thanks Kyle!

Then, a bit further, looking to the left:


And on the right:


By around 12noon, on the left we've got views like:



Oh, oh, it's a bit cooler and it looks like there might be some rain clouds rolling over one of those peaks…

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