Tuesday 3 May 2022

Rochester to Echuca

(Tuesday 3rd of May, 2022) (written, starting that night in the motel room)

I stayed with friends in Bendigo Fri and Sat night, and didn't walk further on Sat and Sun. They kindly gave me a room for two nights, and let me join in on family life with 2 children (a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old) and a three month old puppy, just beginning to be trained. A lovely gift, and one which gave me food for thought, as well as food for this body. I am indebted to them. My mate convinced me to try to use Youtube for my blog vids, and Instagram for my blog pics. We'll see how it goes.

A very full day…

I asked the lady who took my Motel booking yesterday for any brain-waves as to what I could do with my bag. She gave me the idea that worked.

In the early morning I realized that i should buy a ticket to Echuca, negotiate with the driver for me to exit at Rochester, and ask him if he could leave my pack at Echuca (appropriately labelled with instructions, my name and phone number) and I could ring the station Master and check if that could work from his end. 

Left my son & daughter-in-law's place just before 8am, bused to the Bendigo station, bought the ticket to Echuca, talked it through with some very helpful staff. The driver was the same bloke who drove me to Elmore yesterday and then picked me up from Rochester and took me back to Bendigo for my meal & bed. Bit of a glitch..  the Railway's policy is now not to disclose local Station Master's numbers. But the driver was game, and I was too, even if i lost my pack. I had a room booked for the night and I would have to wash my clothes in the shower and try to dry them overnight.. Glad this wasn't essential. It worked.

The trip gave me sore feet, but with NO PACK, they were not so bad as they would have been. I'm learning about looking after a body too. Stopped to put my feet up (for 30- 1 hr. min) in the middle. During the 27km I drank all the 600ml water, and ate the 7 dates, some trail mix, and a meusli bar, that were in my pocket.

Almost a straight road for 90% of the trip… Again, a small (bitumen or dirt - it changed) road, the other side of the railway line from the main highway. Saw about 10-20 cars or trucks all day (while out of town, on that road), so mostly I had the road, and scenery either side, all to myself. I'd walk on the bitumen, or a tyre track, on the right hand side of the road, then wait off the side of the road when cars which were coming towards me  passed.


Above the road:

The right side of the road on the bitumen:


The left side of the road on the bitumen:


Reflection beside the road of higher things:

The right side of the road a bit later when the road was dirt:



A great time to catch up on the phone with a mate or two, via calls or texts. A good conversation about communication with animals, and the fact that my body is an animal, that is pretty well tied to me, or I'm pretty well tied to it.

The left side of the road a bit later when the road was dirt;


The right side of The road looking past the trees and fence,

There are green fields


And there are furrowed paddocks:

Take a break. Look up, & look out!


I arrive at the value Motel, pay, collect the key, and get in:

Walked a couple more km and picked up my bag from the station.  Amazing "Can do!" people.

Saw the pub over the road from the station and enjoyed a cold beverage and a talk with the bartender, and got the price on their rooms, which was even better.

Back to my room, booked breaky for tomorrow morning, shower, cuppa (with fresh milk), and lay with legs up on bed, and back on floor for a few hours. Lovely talk with my lady at home for 30 min.

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