Wednesday 13 July 2022

We'd guess day!

gathered with my Father, Mother, Uncle, Brother, Wife, and Mother-in-law…

to gather together..

Oh God! You make me glad to be alive.

To share your very life, and love, to thrive

with your shallom existence, as a hive

of bees share their whole future, not to strive

against, and then compete themselves, they work - 

I think the word "together" does it well -

as one united colony. Berserk?

I think its very "bee-ing" pictures "hell"

or "heaven", if you would, depending on

your point of view, your creativities.

Some people call what I call "Love", "A con!"

& with that, they would shrink our lives to bees'.

They shrink, to insect mechanism, all

that's higher, like our friendships, jealousies,

and hatred, humor, honour, justice, fall

to what can be experienced by bees.

But bees have sensibilities we don't:

and see the ultra vi'let, where we can't;

without a GPS, directions won't

cause problems for them, yet some humans aren't 

so able, in the life-time of a bee

to learn to do so. Yet, if we could learn

to work together (human ways that we

have all experienced, though never  earned),

it seems we might be-gin to find our means

to be-ing human be-ings - our "meaning".

Bee-hives can thus behave as similies

for heaven here on earth, with God as  king.

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