Saturday 9 July 2022

Saturday 220709

8:36am My good woman drops me where she picked me up yesterday, which was on the rhs of this road as seen in this picture (looking back),

at the end of what you can see of the bitumen as the road turns through a   slight cutting.

I'll text my mate an ETA for coffee  at Wongarbon, then get on with some time to look, listen, think, respond. 

I started writing a prayer for some friends who are determined to be a goodness, or a joyful event in the lives of others who were also trying to do that. 

Then had a few phone calls to attend to etc.

Then started a reflection on living with skill as a human (open to lore and the ethical dimension of life).

Google maps doesn't always get it right. It had me accessing their house through the lane at the back. Luckily they did have a disused gate that could be unwired to let me in. All the Woodburn family who were home welcomed me in and opened up their lives as well as their home (even the dogs Nebo & Astro). And their larder too. What a lovely time. 


I arrived just after 10:35am, and left just over 2 hours later with their prayers of blessing. More heartened.

As I was leaving, my mate told me of the track that runs parallel to the highway maybe half way to Dubbo. How good is that. So, missing most of the traffic, that's the one I'm taking, as I tap these words out.

2pm.. walk on..

There are tracks and farm access roads almost all the way to Dubbo on one side of the railway line or the other. Once though, a quagmire that required some special care to circumvent.


A great walk, through bush, much of it while on the phone to friends from near and far (one friend said to me, after we'd talked for what seemed to be at least 10 min, "We've been talking for over an hour and 20min.") I arrived at the first McDonalds on the highway on the outskirts of Dubbo by 5pm, where my good woman picked me up. With coffee in hand we drove back to Orange for the night. A day off tomorrow, then a driving trip to see parents in Qld, then return to Dubbo and to walking after that..

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