Friday 1 July 2022


My daughter (who has now been my walking companion for 2 days) and I were invited to a home for dinner, where a young couple with a 2 yr old daughter were pregnant with another bub, that their ultrasound pictures fro. that day showed clearly to be a little boy. They could see, amazingly clearly, a very lot about him and much of his body functions had been measured and assessed to be working well.


Oh God, I saw last night something I am

considering in light of bigger love. 

With help of doctors, ultrasound exam-

inations, Mum & Dad know more, above

what could be known by their small child inside

the tum of Mum, who's sheltered it so far,

and Dad who cares for both, and would provide

for any needs they have, where they both are.

They know this little chap, his bladder full,

and function of his heart, and penis length,

and nothing in their knowledge of him  will

convince them not to focus all their strength

to help him to develop as befits

the son of t'other one, who is beloved,

besotted with their child, they care for its

development as though it hadn't  shoved

it's way into their lives to use them up.

They let themselves be spent with love's delight

in pouring their own lives out from the cup

of their united purpose, day & night

to join with one another, and with God

to image love's own creativity

and giving-ness, in ways that would seem odd

if all creative love's activity

could not be fully trusted to provide

what's really necessary for all life

from its conception till it has arrived,

outside, when life takes off, and it's more rife!

. Psalms 139:1‭-‬24

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