Thursday 21 July 2022

Thurs 21July2022 Binnaway towards Coonabarrabran.

Thurs 21July2022 from Binnaway towards Coonabarrabran.

Hope to wake at 6:30am, breaky at 7pm, leave by 7:30 or 8am at latest, to get to Coona in time for dinner with friends of friends.

In fact, had an orientation meditation come to me when I woke, so didn't leave my bed till 7am, then breaky, and after that Nick added a spare wheel to the trolley, and helped me fix some attachment points for occy straps for the "lid". He said "Don't worry about taking your trolley, I'll get it to where you are going to in Coona, sometime in the day. How good is that! I'm likely to make better time too.

Thank you, creative love, and Nick and Inica.

Off at 8:20am. On the edge of Binnaway, beside the Castlereagh, looking back:


Looking forward


Phonecalls: sparkie back home,  call with a neighbour till we lose reception (or his battery runs out). Thanks Sim  and Steve.

Morning break for half an hour with my feet up. 

Back on the road, a reminder that people younger than I, have died on this road, at this spot. 



We really are pilgrims travelling on this walk through time (that we often call "life").

It's 12:30pm, and I've still got 13km to arrive at the Newell Highway. And my feet'll need an hour break from about 2:10 - 3:10pm. But then, maybe I should push through the 13km to the Newell, then have my break? I might only make it, today, to the Newell Highway?

We'll see.

An hour or two now that might give a chance to work on reading, hearing, understanding, meditating on that monumental 1st Century story of the life,  mission, & message of Yeshua Bar Nazaret. How good! Wow. This is certainly not more of the status quo. And it is certainly a different way to view life from Western Materialism. And it is immaterialism, so maybe a Western way of describing it might be  - an Eastern acknowledgement of Energy, Matter, Mechanism, trumped by Relationships of unconditional positive regard)

Rebecca (McFluffy) passed me on the way to Coona to do the shopping, and stopped in a safe place up the road, then she walked back  to see of I needed a hand or a lift. I thanked her very much for the offer, explained that it was a kind of a pilgrimage for me, and I had to walk it. Got talking, and then took a pic of Rebecca and her car


her mum Hilary (Goodlife) came out to join us for another pic all together.

We had a good catchup about life and directions and choosing to be open and offering friendship. They are from Binnaway.


How brave to offer a lift to a "hobo" wandering along the road, how thoughtful & kind.

A break soon…

Down the road we cross the Castlereagh again


The remains of the old bridge:


.on the right is "Saturn" from the vurtual universe model. 


A good time for a lunch-break and to put the feet up..


.break till 3:15pm.

Amazing time on the phone talking with 2 fellows in Coona, 1 who was cooking for me tonight has just got COVID today, so he won't be joining us (maybe up near Bogabilla or Moree he said). The other who is taking me in for the night. He offered to pick me up, if i cam't make the extra 6km to their place on the Northern end of town. How helpful. He even suggested I call at 4:30pm to let him know where I'm at.

A ute just drove up from behind me, stopped, and a lady playing classic 70's music loudly, said she'd passed me in the morning, I was getting close to the intersection with the highway, & here's a water-bottle of fresh water for me:


Then she did a U'y & waved goodbye. I didn't think to take a pic and get my phone out till the ute was almost out of site.



Crossed a creek and came, just befoe 5pm to the Newel Highway. 


Turned the corner to the right, up the first hill on the Newel towards Coona.


I'm trying to make it up this hill before Paul picks me up to take me to his place for the night. 

..made it to the top, by 5:08pm. I reckon Paul will arrive very soon. But I'll see how far I can get. 

Closer to sunset..


.just past the average speed safety cameras Paul arrived in his ute. The Boral sign in the background:


And to Woolies and to his place for the night.


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