Friday 15 July 2022

Friday 15,July2022 Dubbo & North…

Dropped off at 9:40am to my last stopping point near the East Dubbo Maccas, by a family where I stayed last night 


(& having talked about options with them, I'm hoping for someone to pick me up to sleep in a bed again tonight, & maybe even a couple of nights, in Dubbo..)

An hour later I was joined by an exercise walker lady, for ~1 km, near the end of her morning 5 km walk. Helped me speed up, and I got to hear how her family went to the tip of Cape York in a Land Cruiser 14 yrs ago. Delightful company. 

Found a way to cut some k's off by by passing the city itself, using the Old Mendooran Road..

Stopped for a rest and to work more on some thoughts that started coming this morning, …


these thoughts: walking with and calling on creative love (God).

Hope to make it the 11 km to Mendooran Road, before night.

Started on another poemish expression of what I'm doing, or trying to do. (Finished it the next day)

Walked over a road being remade, big trucks and graders. One of them stopped at the end of the day and offered me a lift, when I said thanks for the offer, but it's a bit of a pilgrimage. I think I've got to walk it. 


Then Bobby and Reuben talked with me for a bit. Thanks for the offer gents. As they drove off, I caught a picture of the truck on the being-made-new road.


Then, not long after, my grand son and his other Grand-Dad arrived to take me to a farm I had just passed, and then home to a warm house, a full dinner, and a shower & bed for the night. I made it along Old Mendooran Road, to less than 5km from Mendooran Road.

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