Sunday 31 July 2022

Sunday 31 July 2022 (hang out for a day)

I slept in, had a slow start, then bacon & eggs with John and Janey, and Criag and Jack arrived from Brisbane to work on electronic silo control installations before the rain that is forecast to start tomorrow morning. 

Spent the morning with John & Janey at their church (back in Narrabri, called New Life, where I met heaps of new people), then had lunch with an old acquaintance from 25 yrs ago, who now lives in Narrabri, with his family (wife, Katrina, and daughter Mackenzie) and their local Anglican church, out at a National Park. Met some very interesting folk there too. They then dropped me back at John and Janey's place. Thanks to those two families, and their communities that welcomed me in so openly, New Life (& Keith & Margaret for their hospitality) and the Anglicans, of Narrabri.

A bit of time in the arvo, helping lay cables around the silos, a luscious lamb shank dinner and bed and a phone call with my lovely lady, before 10pm.

Some time during the New Life church meeting and before bed considering Jesus' take on prayer

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