Tuesday 19 July 2022

Tuesday 19 July 2022 from 6km S of Mendooran & ~half-way to Binnaway..

I woke at 5:30am and had breakfast with Charlie. My phone tells me that the temp outside, though it might feel like minus 5°C, is only minus 3°C.

We collected some steel sheepyard equipment from a nearby farm  As we placed it onto the trailer we shattered some glass-like substance in the corrners off  the steel trailer. The farm gates had a white powder on them, as they were opened and closed. Frost?

Then Charlie dropped me off at 7:35am on the Mendooran Road, 

right where Rodney and Cynthia had picked me up yesterday.


He drove off to a day of drafting sheep etc. Thanks Charlie Knight for the lift. 

I walked off down into the hollow with hands colder by the minute. Get out those new gloves that I'd forgotten about! Coping with the cold in my fingers seemed to heal my very sore feet, as I walked to keep warm-ish. I recalled yesterday's song of appreciation & thanks, and sang it with energy, out loud!


A mate rings to chat, and we catch up a bit. A large hot coffee at the bakery in Mendooran, a toilet stop, write up this blog, and off again before 10:30am.

Hope to go back over Mark 1, recall it's context, and get into Mark 2 to add to my fodder for meditation before a lunch break.

Thanks to local knowledge of tracks and friends of friends, I get to consider other paths. As I remember family and friends within a cocoon of creative love, I am walking through countryside, on tracks  like this:


Though also, with obstacles like this: 


Yee har! Y'har! Y'har Way!

I got through, beautifully, not even needing to take off my shoes.. though there are other stories about that that make ne wonder now. 

Friendly people like Murray (with a couple of furry mates) 


stop to see how I'm going and where I'm going (to & from). He asked if I had a (dedicated) support crew. I said no, but support crews appear at times.

As I reflect now, I realize that's not quite true. I do have a dedicated suppoŕt crew in family, and the community I come from in Orange, and other friends who contact as they are able, and assist my lovely lady who is stuck in Orange,  and who have at times joined in as they were able too. And today, the Knights of Mendooran, and many other families and individuals along the way have been responsive to prompts of friendliness from the great FRIEND, creative love (my very dedicated support crew). Wow. How to talk about things like this in everyday conversations?

Well, that might be why I was invited on this walk. A lot to learn.

I hope to stop for a lunch break at the next intersection, hopefully before 1:30pm.

But, before that, Alison (Allee) rides over, through the field on my right to say G'day. 


They are just moving into this property, this week. A few parts of her family of origin working together. Cattle and sheep. Hoping to benefit from technological advances with scanning and tracking.


She was driving the school bus that passed me as I walked into Mendooran today. She was keen to hear a bit - the whys? & wherefores?

May creative love and friendship be with you and your family's venture, Alee!

Half an hour of resting with my feet up. Then back onto the tarmack. A bunch of phone calls, with family, friends, and co-conspirators to be & live a blessing to this country. Very rich. Lovely scenery. 




And shortly after 5pm I was picked up by Kays Knight 


right here:

Just before the Forans Road turn off to the right

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