Tuesday 5 July 2022

220705 Tues - this day! who will you serve

Started just before 9:30am. My lady and our grand-daughter (asleep in the back) dropped me off, at the spot where they picked me up yesterday arvo.


How nice to sleep in a bed, next to another human being. How spoiled I've been.

So "Thank you" to the love behind all this,

this world where we can stay, or move about,

a world of great abundance, air and mist,

the earth to plant our lives on, not as lout,

but grateful little child (who would too learn

from who provides both life and health which thrive),

to further all the beauty, not to turn

away, from just desire to survive.

I mean "survive" in worst sense that can mean,

the anti-thrive, the salt-bush kind of life,

that "gets by", like a bear in winter's dreams,

though it may not encounter lots of strife.

Let's celebrate, for human leadership

upon good Earth, has climaxed in that one,

though there's a dearth of real good readership,

or even list'ning, for his life's begun,

not done, but started in someone you've met,

I don't know really, but, I wouldn't mind

the putting all my cash on it. I'd bet

there's someone who has acted good and kind

within each tawdry life, to hint of love.

And that's the door that I'll be banging on

about to open to us from above.

I think it might have opened up upon

a Roman power-pole life-times ago

('bout 30, as I do my sums today).

A portal to immortal life that shows

the kind of life that's human, I would say!

A few texts, and phone calls, but phone reception is quite patchy. 

Another marker on the way:


Another ute slows & stops to check I'm ok. On hearing "Yup, I'm fine. A pilgrimage North" he gives a tip of the hand and head, and not to be prying, moves on. How thoughtful.

On the side of the road I sat on a little bench in memory of "Tom", probably built and maintained by his friends and/or family. 


Made me think that in a womb, everyone is immature. There is no test, or maybe we just need to realize that everything is a test - an exercise for our development & if we keep on to the end, everyone passes. The only necessary thing is to keep your connection with the source of life. Don't try to do it "on your own". 

The end of the movie is not the end of life. And this biological life is only the beginning of the beginning. And this (beginning) too, shall pass.

Walking along on the RHS of the road, and a white ute coming towards me, slows, comes onto the road's shoulder & pulls up just before me with the window open to talk. Bob, a local farmer, had passed me going the other way in the morning, to check the heiffers. Now heading back into Orange, he tells me that he heard of me from my mate Chris, who brought me a coffee yesterday. We talk about most things for 20 min and he offers me a carrot, & a ride to Orange now, and a ride out early tomorrow morning, if that would help.

He gave me his number in case it could work. How helpful. 

I receive the carrot gratefully, and say "No, but thanks for the offer" to the ride back about 3pm today, and will ring him if it can work for tomorrow.


Thanks Bob (& little Madam - the black furball, his constant companion).

The sound of a car slowing behind me. A woman in a four wheel drive just stopped and asked "Do you need a lift?" Again my response. "No. But thanks very much for offering… Walking to Cape York."

She acknowledged me and drove on.

A phone call or two, then, would you believe it? There was a fellow who was part of the family of old family friends, who had wondered if he saw me walking past his front door in Bendigo on Thursday 28 April this year. I wrote this in my blog: 

"I walked on and bumped into another old family friend who was their neighbour & happened to wonder if that was me walking past his door towards his neighbour's, so had came out." We had had a timely catch up in Bendigo on that occasion, and today he was driving past on his way from Orange to Dubbo, passed me  wondered if it was in fact me, so did a U turn, and said G'day. I took a picture of the spot, and climbed into his car with him to go to the Stuart Town pub, where my wife would pick me up when she came. He's a music and physics nerd, and tutors high school/ uni students. He's considering a special training course with Teach Australia. Good to talk together about stuff of mutual interest.


A great 30 min, then my beautiful lady and our grand-daughter arrived, and we were off to get the 2yr-old home.

The plan is that my lady will drop me back to the spot I left off at, early tomorrow morning, on her way to Dubbo for the day.

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