Monday 3 June 2024

Walking Day 3 - from the shire border between "Balonne" & "Maranoa"

Michael  & Robyn Brumpton gave us both a bed for 3 or 4 nights, fed us sumptuously, and told us some of the stories that go with people like them that come from living around here for most of their lives. At 8am Michael dropped Ethan & me out to the Shire border (where he had picked us up from on Saturday evening), with my trolley, to continue our walk towards Surat…

Below is the view looking back to St. George- the Welcome to Balonne Shire notice on the left, Michael’s ute disappearing into the distance around the middle of the picture, & Ethan still hanging in there on the right, and the back of my trolley in the right foreground:


Then we decided to walk apart for a while, Ethan went first coz he’s faster. Within quarter of an hour we had a sign appear on our left as to how far we now had to go to get to Surat..


Ethan quickly became a dot on the horizon. With some reception, we might be able to ring or text each other if necessary?

Another sign that the people of this region were welcoming us here. How lovely.

 Then a sign on our right that not everyone before us had made it down this road. We stayed here for a bit considering Williki Collins:

 Then a small sign of beauty in sight and sound, still surrounding us:

Ethan went ahead again at the end of the day to scout out a rest stop..

Just in time, as the sun was setting I got to the sign saying 500m,

travelling about 1.2 km an hour, I got the as the sun set:

and we started setting up camp...

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful evening. Hope you slept well and you can stay dry and warm....'tis a tad cool and wet down in O town today. :-)
