Saturday 8 June 2024

Day 5 - from 26.5 km to Surat (Rest Stop) towards Surat

It worked to sleep on mats on the concrete under this shelter, and we got going earlier. This is us after packing, just before we walked on past the shelters:

Last night we tried booking a twin-share room for tomorrow night in the pub at Surat. All full. And the Caravan park? Also full. And the cob & Co. Motel all so full. No room. Though the pub serves meals from 6-8pn. And there is a fisherman's tent spot, that can’t be booked, but has a toilet & a SHOWER! Woohoo! We’re looking forward to that. Though we also want a place to charge our battery packs/ phones/ lights etc. I rang back the pub and asked us to put us on their cancellation list (for any room, Ethan’s for a swag) , so they started a cancellation list for us. We might get something yet…

Just before 9am we saw a sign that we were making headway:

About 9:10 a ute stopped and talked to Ethan ahead of me.. this often happens

stopped for a break and some people going South turned around to check that we were ok. They offered us a Mandarine, from Gainda, which we accepted, and gained a Mandarine! Missed a picture of them.

I’ve been having some lessons in approaching or understanding musical beat or time signatures

It started yesterday with getting a walking stick again, to help minimise the weight on my feet, because of the blisters, then realising that with one walking stick in one hand I could spread the load on one foot at a time, or either foot alternating (or now I see other options too). When I learned how to make it work to minimise the weight on alternating feet for every second step, I realised that that is probably a ¾ beat  (or time scale?). What would the others be? And what could happen with with two walking sticks? See below (& thank you to my teacher, & the teachers used by that amazingly musical creative love)

We arrived, at the pub right on 5 pm, met some folk who were camping at the Fisherman’s campsite we were hoping to stay at. They told us there were NOT any showers there, but, at the footy oval there was a shower, with hot water, we had passed it three blocks back. Thank you Surat for such a thoughtful service to locals (and us ring-ins; there were no commercial beds available, and no other showers apart from knocking on people's front doors. How good to get back to the pub in time for the standard “Chicken Parma, vegies and spud.” A couple of drinks, and a charge of the phones/ battery pack. George and his mate at the bar gave us some great ideas of filling up on bore water as we go on to Roma, and a chance to talk with the school bus driver and see if we could get our trolley dumped to us at 4pm, at the end of the day, to save us having to pull it, then we were likely to get further. We set up that night with great plans to meet someone at 6:30am, but in the morning we missed out by about 30 min. Rats.

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