Saturday 8 June 2024

Day 8 - from ~28km out of Roma to the sculpture park in Roma.

Got going about 7:10am.

Texted & responded to communication, including video with my lady and 2 grand children. Put up the blogs from the last 3 days (when we were out of reception).

Had a lovely time,  making up a song to creative love, to the beat of the walk this morning in our “walk on our own time”. I’ll try to type it out (in the next few days), and put it on a personal blog with a link to it here, for anyone interested. 

Got me thinkin’ ‘bout reception and black spots. 

I reckon that with creative love we have complete coverage anywhere, 

it’s just that it is not mechanistic by nature (like the reptilian mindset, or as our left brain hemisphere is mechanistic in it's view & manipulation of the world*) it can choose whether to respond right then, or not, depending on what will lead to the most creative and loving results, both for the universe & for me (multitasking is its speciality); 

but then on the other hand, we could always turn ourselves on to a kind of “personal aeroplane mode”, & then we’d pick up no signal. 

Hmm. That is a part of my life walk… learning to be maximally receptive, even to choose voluntarily to refer to creative love, clearly stating my present view, then allow creative love to expand my way of thinking - about everything. Wow, it is fun. I certainly have to be adjusting and feel to be growing. 

In the middle of thinking.. Ethan was still trying to finish his book, and I was putting my legs up (about 11:10-11:40), and who should come by but young Leo. (Can you guess which one is older? - by about 45 yrs)

We got to chat for a while, & I got to hear some of his amazing story… collecting bottles and cans to buy a bike for his 7yr old grandson, recently (no, I think he said 14 yrs ago) Leo had a new valve or something put in his ticker.. Had some sad bust-ups, trying be a good granddad to his multiple grandkids, patient till truth gets out, & glad when it does.. Thanks for your time Leo.

And that (thinking about reception and airplane mode etc.) got me thinking that 

Creative love is the ground I travel on. 

I’m like a basket baller, who doesn’t run more than two steps without bouncing the ball down to my ground (for me it’s the ground of my being). 

I am not a bouncer, but I’m learning to bounce, wherever I go, what ever I do, to the creative love at the core of the Universe. 

Like the left hemisphere of a human brain bounces everything through to the right hemisphere, then though they inhibit each other, they STAY IN PARTNERSHIP till the decision is made. 

This is a partnership with creative love. Woo-who!

I had a phone call from a daughter, for an hour of my walk into Roma. She is married to a man, with 2 little kids (4yr & 1yr, & she is on this journey too, though staying at home. A journey of learning gratefulness, sincere praise,  to learn how to acknowledge a “thorn in the flesh”, and let the grace of creative love be enough for her. She is one of my heros.) How beautiful.

When we got to the “truck stop” we found it to be simply a fuel outlet, and we couldn't find the place some people had told us about, that had hot showers & excellent good value food. Ethan had gone ahead looking for a loo, so he continued on to PieFace, and waited, while I got lost thinking I could cut a corner and go up a street parallel to the highway, but at the last moment the way was barred with big fences. I didn’t think I could back track and go around.

I back tracked to the highway, to the point I would have reached without my shortcut. This is where phones are helpful. I rang Ethan, admitted my predicament, asked him if he could buy us both a pie and bring it. And I would start walking into Roma and get us a malted milk at the first cafe I came to.

What I didn’t count on was how many seemingly hundreds of kilometres it is to enter Roma from the outskirts (maybe it is modeled on Ancient Rome). I finally gave up in a park with different statues in it. Texted Ethan to say where I was. And lay down on the ground, with my feet up on a park bench. He arrived. I said “I give up. But maybe things will be different in half an hour”. He patiently lay down nearby on the grass. 

We had walked to Roma, a day earlier than we thought/ knew we could do. Mat Gane had made it possible, by taking the trolley for us. Thanks Mat. 

Then I saw a text from Mat, asking if we were already at the church that had said we could stay there for the night. I told him where I had “broken down”. And he said “Need a lift? We responded with a “probably don't NEED one, but we’d Love one”.

So that’s what he did. And it turns out he is a real Walker, so he said he’s willing at least to help me plan the next leg. You legend Mat. And Shane had done some magic too. The shower was hot! Here is me on the floor, and Ethan typing away in the creche room, for a couple of hours before hitting the sack. Thanks Life Church in Roma!

Well, Ethan made it to Roma. I’ll go back to that spot in the next few days and walk to the church which is near the outskirts of town, on the way to Injune, which is my next destination (90km, up hill), then my plan is to leave Wed morning, probably just before or as Ethan leaves on the train for the East coast. How lovely to have company on such a beautiful (if  painful) trip.

So at this stage it’s Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday off walking, tuning in, doing the washing, & restocking food, sorting out water & getting a water filter, a map of stock routes, a small microfiber towel, and socks , and Wednesday off again. I’d have to do 22.25km each day to make it by Sunday. When I like to meet with “locals” who are serious about tuning in to creative love themselves. I don’t really mind their tag. If they are into creative love we are on the same journey. What an adventure finding people like that in the most unlikely places.

* It is very fun reading Ian McGilchrist's book "The Master & his Emissary" about the Right and Left Hemisphere functions of the human brain. It matches & helps me interpret so much that I see around me, and am a part of, in the world today.

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