Sunday 2 June 2024

A day of rest brings out what's best - & worst...

Hmm, well they say that rest can make us blessed.

Today I found a way to be a curse.

My God, I don’t want that, I want the best.

I think I found a way that might be worse..

At least the rest, and time with friends, both old 

& new, an’ you (a friend who is the both -

like loving parents are to child that’s bold

let child be stretched so growing edges show.

This seems to make for losses, ’swell as wins,

but in that context, losses help us see

the contour of our selves (and our own sins)

or places where we fall short of glory.

And once again the context is the key;

Your loving care, your knowledge of me true,

you’re still committed, though d-head I be,

to grow this foetus up, inside of you.

So that’s where I will stay. Implanted here

within my wat’ry world that is your own,

where tears & pains quite often just appear

-  & mostly borne by you. You often moan,

are deeply hurt, quite person’ly “put out”

but bear the pains & discomforts yourself

until the earth itself will groan and shout

and all your kids be born, and in good health!

And where you take your dream then, in its strength,

I’m really looking forward to that time

when I will be grown to a child at length.

Just now my groan is “Let me with you rhyme!*”

*  Two other textual variations exist for this ending prayer: “Open up my mind!” and “Make your habits mine!”

This day allowed me to keep growing in that simple,  pithy, proverbial, needful way... to be a human who is: 

"quick to listen,

slow to speak,

slow to anger" 

[from that first century book probably written by Jesus Christ's little brother - James - as he recalled his big brother & the way he moved & related in the world. (James 1:19-20)]

Today I flunked the "slow to speak" bit when I got onto a topic that really interested me. Rats. Afterwards, I wanted to just forget about it and do something to feel better about myself. Luckily creative love cut me off at the pass, and helped me process it a little towards bringing real longer-term change. 

Step One (of how many? I'll see by walking there). But walk I will, in company like this.

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