Sunday 16 June 2024

Rest day at Injune (Sunday 16 June 2024)

Woke up 6:30am., dressed. The plan is to do the washing and have some breaky. I’ve heard the Eggs Benedict at the Cafe are amazing. 

Yup, there is a laundromat in Injune. But I need 7 dollar coins. I have one. So off to the cafe for eggs Benedict, if they are open yet. 

The cafe is, on Sunday, fully closed. I walk the streets looking for coffee. I find Merlo coffee served at a Service station, and use the money shouted to me by Pip Johnson of Gunnewin for a hamburger, to buy the closest match, and enjoyed them both in the warmth of the eating room there. 

Then getting some change, I washed and dried my clothes & met the owner of the caravan park & Laundromat, then nearby I met Leo Denton who helped me to check out the men’s shed, getting ready for an influx of Roma Classic/Antique Car club for lunch.

Lunch at the pub, played their piano(la) a bit, and rested through the Arvo. Phone calls and reading.

Dinner at the pub again. Mash & vegies with Hawaiian Parma Chicken. I thought it was lovely and asked them to pass my thanks to the chef. Charly the French Chef, came out, and allowed me to do a one minutes sketch of him as we talked…

intrigued by my walk and wanting to follow my progress, he got my blog & we exchanged phone numbers. It was a cool night. Spent the last half an hour in the loungeroom with the publican Tony, and his partner Jules, watching the telly, beside the wood fire:

Bed around nine fifteen.

Shopping tomorrow morning when the super market opens again.. at 8:30am, then get going a.s.a.p.

1 comment:

  1. Travel well today Paul: fuelled up with good tucker, good mates and the blessing of our ever-loving- Biggest friend.
