Sunday 9 June 2024

First Rest day in Roma..

 Second Weekend- (in  walking this leg) Sunday 9th June 2024

Woke, cleaned up and had a cuppa, then helped set up things (sweeping & cleaning tables & chairs), for the group that own the lovely new all purpose  building - Life Church. They had musos coming to practice around 8 am & a get together at 9:30am, followed by coffee and nibblies out on the patio @ the entrance. We joined in, and I took a record of the sermon by the pastor (Shane Willis), with an attempt at a pic of him on the back (a bit too wide in the cheeks?) which I gave him after it was all over (and took a pic of).

I met a bunch of new people. I talked with Harry, Tim, Ezra(?), Rocky, Stuart, Mat, Serina, Debbie, Shane, and his lady …(sorry, I’ve forgotten your name), and about dozen more briefly.

The chat with Harry, though he wouldn’t have known it, was pivotal for me, and a lovely gift from him as he spoke openly and I 1) listened carefully, and 2) had to (not give in to the old habits of my upbringing, &) practice myself what I have learned from creative love about what is core, the most important thing(s) about human existence, & how to communicate it as Yeshua had heralded in the villages around where he grew up ~ (2024-33=) 1,991yrs ago. Thanks for your straight open-ness Harry.

Then I cooked up some rice, and rested. Ethan went and betveith a bunch of locals who are called Heart Church at 4pm, and was back in time to cook up some dinner and keep on editing his book.

A good sleep, in an air conditioned room at 21°. Again “Thank you” to Life Church.

We’ve been doing what’s needed to learn to meditate on ancient texts dealing with life/ death, growth/ destruction, development/ cancer, corona/ crowner etc, .. not with the idea of closing ourselves to the search for meaning, but as a doorway through its poetry into ancient meanings, and then to allow for new understandings.  We started with two ancient Poem/ Song/ Prayer s: Psalm One, and then that got us into the “meditating day & night” idea, which we have been trying with Psalm Ninety One, this is the result of my cogitations during my rest days, called “NOT “religion” for Sundays!

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